
来源:佳士得在线 | 2023-12-01 15:56:02
佳士得在线 | 2023-12-01 15:56:02




Cui Ruzhuo, calligrapher and painter, mirror collector, jingqing yuan Lord. Born in Beijing in 1944, he settled in the United States in 1981. Previously, he taught at the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, and in 1984, he won the honorary Doctor of Art degree from Dewey University in New York. In 1996, he returned to China and settled in Beijing. He is now the doctoral supervisor of the Chinese National Academy of Arts. In the early years, shi Tao, Ba Shan ren, Wu Changshuo, Fu Baoshi and other masters, and then into the master of Chinese painting Li Kuchan, calligraphy under the calligrapher Zheng Chanxian.

In the 1980s, we began to collect the fine works of painting and calligraphy of successive art masters, including the fine works of painting and calligraphy from the Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing and modern masters, which is quite abundant. In recent years, he has published works such as Cui Ruzhuo, a Collection of Modern Chinese Artists, Cui Ruzhuo, a Complete Works of World Famous Painters, Cui Ruzhuo Collection of Flowers and Birds, Cui Ruzhuo Landscape Painting, Documentary Records of Dutch Style, Cui Ruzhuo On Art Records and Cui Ruzhuo Grand View, etc.


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